of the town
a picturesque wood
the edge of a car park
the fringe of the town
beautiful woodland
ash, oak and holly
the fringe of the town
the floor between trees
leaves,brambles, ivy
the fringe of the town
the violation of this natural space
by humans
fringe of the town
plastic, beer cans, bottles
bread bags, carriers, crisp packets
the fringe of the town
those blind to the beauty,
I leave the fringe of the town
violation, irreverence
beauty despoiled
the fringe of my town
John Gray: THANKS.
Beautiful development of a response. In this world there are poets and there are defilers.
We have a major roadway that cuts through Anchorage called the New Seward Highway. Right now there is lots of snow piled up on either side of the road. But some people toss trash alongside this road (or the trash blows out of the back of their pickup trucks). There is one lady who drives a Suburu and she parks the car and walks along the road and picks up the litter. She is a one woman army! She is pretty inspirational. She bags up the trash and leaves it by the side of the road for the Municipality to collect.
I feel the same thing when I'm in the wilderness and I see peoples' litter - it's very frustrating.
To answer your question, Garden of the Gods is a city park in Colorado Springs, about five minutes from my office building. I love to go there a few times a year, it's one of the most beautiful places I've ever been. I've got a couple more sets of photos from there that I need to post soon.
HI Claire, You are so talented... Love the poem.. My hometown is small (about 5000 people total I think).. There were fringes of our town ---and your poem reminded me of that town. Thanks for sharing.
Lady M: I felt a need to write something as this type of behaviour is too common and unnecessary. Thanks for your appreciation.
Ina in Alaska:I love this lady but why is it necessary for her to do it is the saddest part? Thanks for reading my poem.
Al: I am also saddened when in a beautiful place and someone has felt it necessary to drop a cola can.Thanks for the info on Garden of the Gods.
Betsy from Tennessee: Every town has fringes like these. Why can't the despoilers see that what they do is so ugly? Thanks for reading my poem.
This is wonderful -- and sad too.
Nancy @ A Rural Journal:That is exactly how I felt, so glad it came through in the words.
Nicely done. I'm rural as can be, but I often feel dismay walking along my road to see all the trash people throw out as they drive by.
Lisa@Two Bears Farm:It is a sad fact that there is always some one who doesn't think/care about their environment but that's life. Glad you liked this poem.
This made me think of an area I fished on the river that caught tons of waste.Sad when people don't think when they litter.i pick up often. I liked your kestrels, I admire these valiant birds, and enjoy watching them.Stop back!
it's so sad to see the litter around our natural spaces. I collect litter from along a local river every week and its astonishing how much there is to pick every week.
Out on the prairie: Welcome here. Glad you liked the kestrel poem. I carry a bag when I go out in the countryside to and always come back with cans etc however often I go that way.
Crafty Green Poet: It seems to be the same problem everywhere; the throwers versus the pickers and of course those in between who just take it home. Sad.
Isn't this true and so sad. Nature spoiled by our human trash. I try to pick it up whenever I can, but sometimes it is overwhelming.
Kathiesbirds: So glad to welcome you here.There have been comments from people everywhere and we all feel the same so sad.Thanks for your comments.
As I started to read I immediately thought of the rubbish that gets caught up in those edge of town places.
Lovely peom.
CherryPie: Sadly I think we can all relate this poem to places we know. Pleased you enjoyed the words.
Always such a heartbreaking site -- on the fringe or right in town. Beautifully pictured as usual!
Mitch Block:I am always pleased that you like my poems even this one which is about such a sad subject but relevant to us all. Thank you so much.
Ah...can't get away from humanity no matter where we go, yes?
Lovely poem with a sad ending. Sad to see that it is reality around the world. My hubby would be there with his trash bag picking up all the garbage. He is always picking up trash around our woods and neighborhood.
Maria: So sad but so true.
eileeninmd:Seems that the caring ones with the rubbish bags are also all around the world too! It is sad that there is always rubbish to pick but seems there are those that drop and those that pick and that is the way. Thanks for reading.
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