Wednesday, 28 March 2012

Skylark in Spring

Trilling sound
falls from on high
raining music
saturates the air
melody pure
crystal clear.
Skylark in Spring.

Small dot unseen
origin of sound
musical charm
sweet is the tune
spell binding
captivates all.
Skylark in Spring.

Liquid sound spills
delight from the sky
trickles down
from above
male hovers
then plunges to earth
birdsong persists
this heavenly music.

On Bodmin moor
delight to be heard
Ahwesydh in Spring.

(ahwesydh - Cornish for skylark)


Lisa @ Two Bears Farm said...

Oh cool, now I know something in Cornish! :-) Beautiful poem!

Cuby said...

Lisa @ Two Bears Farm: Sadly Cornish a dead language and no-on knows how it is pronounced! There are of course enthusiasts who want to revive it. So pleased you liked this poem. :)

EG CameraGirl said...

Now I'm wishing I could hear the skylark!

John said...

Perfect! I can picture him now!

eileeninmd said...

Beautiful poem, I wish I could really heard your Skylark!

Out on the prairie said...

Watching all of this was fun

The Owl Wood said...

Evokes the surprise in me about the altitude from which small birds can make themselves heard. Sound - and music - is a fantastic thing.

Keep up the Cornish! For my part I'm working hard to make sure that Lincolnshire Gibberish doesn't die out!

Cuby said...

EG Camera Girl: It was wonderful.

Cuby said...

John:: I am so glad that you can.

Cuby said...

eileeninmd: It was so magical.

Cuby said...

Out on the prairie: So pleased you could picture this scene.

Cuby said...

The Owl Wood: This is one of natures little wonders, without doubt.

Ola said...

Birds' singing-a symbol of spring, always awaited!

Moving with Mitchell said...

Wonderful to see the sunshine and color in your words after the cold and gray and mists of winter!

Betsy Banks Adams said...

Beautiful poem. I can close my eyes and hear that Skylark singing... Our birds are singing like CRAZY these days!!!


Cuby said...

Ola: Spring is most definitely here.

Cuby said...

Mitchell is moving: It is so good to see sunny skies after endless days of grey. The skylark singing was the icing on the cake!

Cuby said...

Betsy from Tennessee: Good to hear you liked my poem. Thanks.

Crafty Green Poet said...

I love skylark song. I've recently discovered several places where they sing round Edinburgh and it's just wonderful to stand and listen to them.

Cuby said...

Crafty Green Poet: After I wrote this I heard them again at St Agnes! There song is music of the most beautiful kind. So glad that you found them to listen to near you.

Yvonne said...

Lovely musical poem to celebrate a lovely bird. I love listening to them on the coast path and of course Lark Ascending is a beatiful piece of music.

Cuby said...

Yvonne: I was taken away by the wondrous music and tried to capture it in words.

Roy said...

Love the term "Raining music' Claire, that really describes a Skylark.

Cuby said...

Roy:Finding the way to describe this superlative song taxed me to the hilt, I am glad that this one worked for you.