Monday, 9 April 2012

Feral goats on shore and moor.

the mountain side
splinters shard
 off rocks so hard
first feral kid
in landscape hid
three Billy goats gruff
on loch side stone
 hairy coats, fine horns their own
Grimm's fairy tales would
do them proud

wild before my eyes
enormous beautiful surprise

wild goat last week
not on Scottish shore
but here by Bodmin moor


Welshcakes Limoncello said...

Lovely poem and pictures. Happy Easter Monday.

Cuby said...

Welshcakes: I am captivated by these feral creatures. Thanks for your comments.

Viola said...

Sooo awesome!! =) I like that you post both photos and poems! =)

I LOVE goats, and found these photos very charming =)

and your words so pretty good to read! =)

the shoreline looks very much as in my country, further north- exactly in the middle of my country.. :))

Cuby said...

Viola:Thank you so very much for these comments. I am so pleased that you enjoy my work. :)

Doris said...

I love the way you make these lovely creatures sound so hardy whilst at the same time making the reader aware of their vulnerability. I adore goats. I remember in another life when I almost bought an Anglo Nubian from a barn up Langdale!

Cuby said...

Doris: I find these feral creatures have captured my heart so when I spied one on Bodmin moor I was super excited!

Nancy said...


Al said...

Great shots and a nice poem. I've seen mountain goats in our mountains.

Out on the prairie said...

Very beautiful goats, I can see why to like them

The Owl Wood said...

The words of your poem seem to move around to me in the same way that I always picture energetic mountain goats or goats stepping between rocks - very definite, almost bouncing steps, I couldn't read or re-read it slowly. You've sprinkled some ground-up goat on there for the genuine goat-esque structure. To slip into the vernacular; nice one Cuby!

Ola said...

And very nice shots!

Life and travelling

Cuby said...

Nancy Claeys; Thanks.

Cuby said...

Al: It is unusual to see wild goats in the UK which is why these caught my imagination.

Cuby said...

Out on the prairie: They are straight from a fairy tale.

Cuby said...

The Owl Wood: Ground up goat now I hadn't looked at it this way until now! Glad you enjoyed this poem.

Cuby said...

Ola: Glad you liked the photos hoped you enjoyed the words too!

Lisa @ Two Bears Farm said...

Those are such cool goats! Are they timid or will they let you come near? Wonderful poem :-)

Cuby said...

Lisa @ Two Bears Farm :It is impossible to get near these guys as they are completely wild. :)

ShySongbird said...

Lovely poem and photos! There was an interesting item about the wild goats at The Valley of the Rocks in Devon on the TV programme Countryfile recently.

EG CameraGirl said...

The goats blend in well with the rocks. They are dressed in effective camouflage. Your descriptive poetry is lovely.

Cuby said...

ShySongbird: I have walked in the Valley of the Rocks but never managed to see the goats. Pleased you enjoyed the photos and poem.

Cuby said...

EG CameraGirl: I like to paint pictures with my words and hope the words complement the photos in this case. Glad you like the poem.

Crafty Green Poet said...

oh how funny to see the goats on the beach, they look out of place!

eileeninmd said...

How cool, I just love any kind of critters. Your poem is perfect for the scene and goats. These goats are cute, I did not realize there are feral goats.

Elaine said...

Goodness, I didn't realise there were feral goats on Bodmin Moor. They are beautiful. I'd be thrilled to see them too.

Cuby said...

Crafty Green Poet: Goats on the beach seemed happy enough!

Cuby said...

eileeninmd: Pleased you liked this post.

Cuby said...

Elaine|: This was the first and only time I have seen them but I imagine there must be others too.

Lady Mondegreen's Secret Garden said...

The goats are beautiful. What an amazing photo of them on the rocky shore. Here in NZ we sometimes see feral goats but they are regarded as a pest because they are destructive of our native forest.

Cuby said...

Lady M: I have no idea whether feral goats are pests here or not I was just excited to see these guys wandering about far from habitation! I am so easily pleased you see!!

Evlyn said...

It is wonderful how you captured the wildness in both photographs and words. Like you said, beautiful surprise.

Cuby said...

Evlyn: If I encounter them again it will be another wonderful surprise.

CherryPie said...

How lovely, both the words and the pictures :-)

Cuby said...

CherryPiE: Thanks for these nice comments.