haze is all around
haze is all around
in every view
on the verges
on the verges
in every hedgerow
in all gardens
the woods
the ground
you look
love bluebells
this is
a blue year
in Cornwall
pretty! showing beauty of this season of the year!
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It is such a wonderful sight all around.
oh the bluebells are so lovely just now!
Crafty Green Poet: I cannot keep from saying 'oh my gosh' and more as I see
yet another blue patch - it is so glorious.
I hope blue does not mean sad
Sometimes I miss those English hedgerows, it's so dry here there's nothing like that. Great blue poem, but it doesn't make me blue!
I don't see them as much as where my other homee is.I love to see them in mass
Lines that are short, sweet and blue to match the bluebells!
Bluebells -- *sigh* :)
John Gray: How could you feel blue amongst all this glorious blue?
Al; English hedgerows are lovely to see but I think that Cornish ones surpass all others!
Out on the prairie: There are so many here that it is almost overwhelming both in scent and sight. Lucky.
The Owl wood: There didn't need to be any elaboration, the words say all that is required.
Nancy: So right. :)
Hi There, I'm trying to catch up a little after being gone.. Hope you are doing fine.
Love the BLUES of Spring... Beautiful pictures... Bluebells remind me of our Texas Bluebonnets here a little...
Am I blue... Love the description of the "haze." The photo really illustrates that.
I love the bluebell season :-)
Bluebells are one of my favourite flowers, but I have never seen them in such great masses as they appear in your photo. How wonderful. Your poem is a lovely homage to the way they fill the landscape with their colour.
Betsy from Tennessee: Great that you popped by and enjoyed BLUE.
Mitchell is moving: The blue haze is everywhere and not for too long so it has to be enjoyed for the moment.
CherryPie: Isn't it just great? X
Evlyn: The masses are what makes this flower so special this year. So glad you could share my enjoyment.
Heaven! Enjoy it!
Jim; Oh how could I do anything else?
Oh I love bluebells too. I tried to grow them once, but they didn't take.
Lisa@Two Bears Farm; They are growing in profusion this year and it is just such a treat. It seems that we have the perfect conditions s here!
This bluebell poem is lovely, Claire. Thank you for taking us into their blue, blue world with your sweet poem.
upwoods: Kathy I am so glad you enjoyed my blue, blue world which sadly is beginning to fade now.
My bluebells have just started to open their buds! But today the sun shone.
I think I should visit Cornwall in May one year (o:
Simone de Klerk: I think you should too it is just glorious at this time of year.
Simone de Klerk: I think you should too it is just glorious at this time of year.
Beautiful photo and bluebells! and the way swifting away into the photo, which makes a lovely depth! :)
Hurrah for bluebells!
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