summer pauses
summer pauses
sign of warmth
mist invades
mist invades
view concealed
scruffy fledglings
Too bad about the pause, but I love how it inspired you.
Sorry that summer is being elusive for you!
Mitchell is Moving: It is amazing where inspiration is!
Nancy Claeys: I hope it is just around the corner!
Your poem brings back memories of days like that, when the season seems to pause. Actually, I have always enjoyed these pauses because it is a break in the advance to heat and fruition. Somehow, it gives us a chance to take a breath before we are swept along again on summer's progress.
We just had our "summer" pause, a few days of gray skies and rain and now, glorious sunshine and WARM!!!
You have described those fledglings so well - scruffy. Let's hope summer soon returns.
Evlyn; Summer is so unpredictable in Britain that there is always the worry that a pause will be more th just that!
Ina in Alaska: Still grey here but with hints of blue today however rain in the forecast. I hope it was just a pause and no more.
Elaine: Their feathers were wet but their adorableness was just the same and scruffiness is so much part of them.
I welcome a visit of cool, it is real warm here today
Out on the prairie: If only we could swap air!
This is a really good piece of writing. It sums up the mood of disappointment when the sun goes away after such a brief appearance. I feel that for once we are having a better time of it up in the far north. The island has been bathed in sunshine for several days. Its cold but dry.
Doris: I am absolutely sure you have seen more of the sun and when I hear Stornoway enjoyed 16.2 hours of sunshine on the same day I wrote this I could only feel envy tinged with disappointment that I wasn't there!
it's like that here too! where's the real summer weather!
Crafty Green Poet: Is it down to global warming?! Seriously it is concerning.
Such a lovely poem and just about says it all so succinctly. Hope the good weather returns soon. I am not sure which message you will read first as I am visiting all your blogs, but once again I would like to say thank you for visiting and how much I have enjoyed returning the visit.
Denise: So good to welcome you here so pleased you enjoyed this poem.
I can only assume you weather is not the greatest right now. I hope sunny days arrive soon. lovely poem, have a great weekend!
I think summer has deserted us this year.
Enjoyed your poem. :-)
eileeninmd: It certainly has!
holdingmoments: Certainly has although we had a week in May when it all looked hopeful.............but at least we're not flooded!
That describes very well how it is here today.
I am wishing for the sun to come back too.
CherryPie: Were is summer this year?
I hope summer returns soon for you. It's here now, in full beauty.
upwoods: We are still waiting and waiting.
I like this one.
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