no snow, lots of snow
all the UK covered
towns, villages and roads
with heavy snow, blizzards
frozen day and night
children in Cornwall
see all the snow in tv
the air feels so cold
outside on grass for play
across the country schools
closed due to snowy roads
snowmen, sledging, great fun
play from morn to night
their school stays open
disappointment here
playing out at breaks
winter gardens muddy mess
this divide of weather types
up country, cross the Tamar
seems unfair to Cornish children
who watch, so near and yet so far
when I was a kid I dreamt about snowy winters, now I would rather change all the snow for sun and heat:)
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Ruddy odd stuff, English weather. Did they close schools in my day? I don't remember it, certainly not at the sign of the first snow-flake. Mind you, they didn't close the workhouse or the mill in my day either. Cold, wet, muddy. Ruddy muddy.
I've seen the news stories about the British snow, your poem does a nice job of getting across the fun, and the disappointment of the kids who didn't get the snow. Where I live the weather is incredibly localized because of the mountains, we can get a foot of snow at our house, while 20 miles away it's sunny, so one school district can be closed and the next one is open!
It's raining here this morning.
Ola: I love the sun too.
The Owl Wood: I remember walking to school in any weather wearing wellies and a green gabardine coat. What happened to gabardine? I wonder just hope it died as it had little to recommend it.
Al: I like it that British weather is unpredictable.
Nancy Claeyes: and here we have wind and sun.
It is a shame they didn't get the chance to play in the snow, all kids love to do that.
All ours has gone now and it has turned to rain.
I'm ready for spring. Beautiful words!
and it always surprises me where the snow decides to fall and which places are deprived...
I play hard in the snow, it brings out the kid in me many times.
We had lots of snow and school stayed open. We walked the 4 mile round trip ... lots of fun! M x
CherryPie: It is raining here.
Lisa @ Two Bears Farm: I am looking forward to Spring too.
We know all about 'snow days' here in Canada.
I heard about what the UK was experiencing on the news! Snow can be magical, makes everything fresh and blankets the world in white. Quite surreal when we think about it.....and are not driving in it!! lol
Crafty Green Poet: It is no wonder that the weather is always a topic of conversation in the UK.
Out on the prairie: We are all kids in the snow.
Vintage Jane: Having fun walking to and from school in the snow makes the whole day FUN.
Jim: If we knew when it was coming and even if it would be coming I am sure we would more able to cope with it. :)
You paint a wonderful picture with your words. We had it here too, it was quite disruptive for a while, all gone now though.
Our school never closed however deep the snow! Oh, that green gaberdine raincoat! It wasn't pretty at all and mine was always too long 'to grow into' :-(
ShySongBird: Now it just very windy.
Very evocative, Cuby.
Welshcakes: Thank you for your comment.
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