Thursday, 14 February 2013


a friend came round
she brought some daffs
then stayed a while
we had some laughs

exchanged our news
she left at last
after the chat
time went so fast


Out on the prairie said...

Lovely verse and flowers.I will look for some this weekend.

Cuby said...

Out on the prairie: There are crocus out in the garden but no daffs so these were a treat.

Elephant's Child said...

Daffodils are such a sunny, cheery flower. (Which might be why I have planted so many over the years.)

Beautiful post. Thank you.

Jenny Woolf said...

A nice verse. I am always so glad when I smell the scent of the first daffs. They come early in the year but are always a reminder that brighter days are on the way. Definitely a good accompaniment to some "laffs" with friends!

Cuby said...

The Elephants Child: I intend to plant more this autumn but as I have a small garden it is limited.

Cuby said...

Jenny Woolf: Sadly the daffs are looking wilty but friendship doesn't!

Al said...

Pretty daffodils (if a little past their best) and a nice verbal illustration of the day.

snowwhite said...

Happy yellow daffs make the conversation merrier. They are sings of spring which is almost around the corner!
Have a great week!

Crafty Green Poet said...

what lovely daffodils, such a nice splash of colour!

CherryPie said...

Beautiful :-)

It is always nice to have friends visit.

Welshcakes Limoncello said...

Lovely. I really miss daffodils!

Cuby said...

Al: Glad you liked the little ditty!

Cuby said...

snowwhite: They do cheer up everybody

Cuby said...

Crafty Green Poet: Their bright yellow always welcome.

Cuby said...

CherryPie: It certainly is and when they bring daffs even better.

Cuby said...

Welshcakes; I understand that feeling.

John Going Gently said...


Cuby said...

John: How true.

Roy Norris said...

A lovely verse to support such lovely flowers and a really nice new header shot Claire.

Vintage Jane said...

Daffs, friends, happy chat - three of the best things in life!

Cuby said...

Roy: The verse was just about that one day which was a particularly good one.

Cuby said...

Vintage Jane: I do so agree.

Kathie Brown said...

Love this! and I also love "daffs!"

Cuby said...

Kathie: Thanks.