nine day old moon
brightness attracted me
looking outside
gibbous moon
just nine days old
a brilliant light
beyond our world
nothing obscures
in a sky that is empty
nothing obscures
in a sky that is empty
cloud cover arrives
from nowhere
light quickly extinguished
darkest of dark
such intensity
such intensity
so thick
depth impenetrable
acute was the silence
the valley was buried
not a house
no tree anywhere
a light from a cottage
far down below
the big white house on the top
a window lit up
quietly the world
went to sleep
brightness returned
when midnight was history
the moon unassuming yet noble
stars as its playmates
no-one to acknowledge
the beauty above
(night 3rd/4th November 2011)
I read your moon poem with the rising sun streaming through my window; I have to read your words with my head cocked against sunbeams, not moonbeams. You night owl, you :-)
Lady M.:Sunbeams, moonbeams they all have a little magic.:)
A lovely picture of the moon :-)
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