a secret to keep
end of October
I'm on top of the cliff
sun shines brightly
out of unblemished blue
surface of the sea
no sign of disturbance
ripples so shallow
not a feel of the wind
there is hardly a sound
no-one is here
nothing can rustle
there isn't a breeze
the sun on my back
caressed by the warmth
look to the ocean
the edge of the world
a chaffinch appears
perched on some gorse
a wasp buzzes by
nothing else moves
this wonderful place
above Chapel Porth
on the north coast of Cornwall
a secret to keep
Lovely, Cuby. I especially like the description of the chaffinch.
Mitch block:Thank you.
Welshcakes: Thanks to you too. The chaffinch was a delightful companion albeit momentarily.
I am envious in the disciplined way you can write
John Gray: I am sure this is complimentary so thank you. I am unsure what you mean!? please help
I feel I am sitting there with you :-)
CherryPie: It was a rare day in Cornwall when the weather is calm..I am glad that this poem conveyed this. Thanks.
Hello Cuby from Anchorage Alaska! Thanks for your visits to my humble blog. Have you ever visited Alaska?
You have a rare gift Cuby, being able to create this.
Roy:Thank you so much for your comment.
Ina in Alaska: Hi there and welcome to my blog. Sadly I have never been to Alaska but have seen many photos of its beauty. I have been in Lapland a few times and have a fascination for northern climes which is how I chose to visit you!
Thank you for sharing your secret place--unless you had another secret to keep. I am feeling the sun on my back looking out over the ocean and watching the wasp.
I love the way your writing conjures up immediate pictures. They make me want to get to my easel.
upwoods: Glad you were there with me.
Doris: Welcome to my blog. I draw with words and you with your paint with your brush. Both great ways of expression.
Sounds heavenly! Sometimes, we have mornings like that, barely a ripple in the harbor and just as quiet and serene as you can stand it!!
KaHolly: You are correct it was achingly beautiful.
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