Thursday, 12 January 2012

Camellia's early smile.

Last week
on Thursday
January 5th
twenty twelve

stepping outside
in full bloom
deep pink flower heads
smiling proudly
caught you out
they say

we are not due yet
usually March
enjoy us
while we're here


Betsy Banks Adams said...

With this milder weather this winter, the poor plants/flowers don't know what to do... Our Roses always go dormant in winter--but not this year. They are trying to GROW....

I have a blog friend who raises chickens. Her chickens are having 'babies' --as if it is spring... Crazy year!!!!!

Enjoy your Camellia!!!

Moving with Mitchell said...

How wonderful!

Crafty Green Poet said...

we've got early flowers here too

Lady Mondegreen's Secret Garden said...

What a treat - they sound like a garden version of the Glasonbury Thorn. Your Cornish neck of the woods does seem to have its own idea about seasonal behaviour doesn't it :-)

Cuby said...

Betsy from Tennessee:Everything is so confused including me! Thanks. :)

Cuby said...

Mitch Block: It really is glorious.

Cuby said...

Crafty Green Poet: yes but this seemed just a bit too keen!

Cuby said...

Lady M.: Glastonbury Thorn will check that one. Cornwall does have it's own micro climate and The Isles of Scilly is even milder.

Cuby said...

John Gray: When I saw the Camellia it just said write a poem about me! so I did!!

Doris said...

How lucky you are to have camellias. I love them. We don't get them up here until about June and then only for a couple of weeks. Enjoy them and hope they come again.

Cuby said...

Doris: It is a beautiful show and so unexpected so I will enjoy this bush and hope a frost doesn't come to spoil it.

seijastiina said...

Goog day!
Thank you for your comment my blog.
Wellcome again!

Cuby said...

seijastiina: Welcome here.I hope you can understand my poems and I am sure some will be easier. See you again.

Ina in Alaska said...

I see John Gray commented. am sure your poem helped him feel a little better. He has been feeling unwell. He is a lovely man & one of my favorite bloggers.

Happy Weekend!

Cuby said...

Ina in Alaska;If my poem helped John feel a little better then that in turn will make my happy. I will send him a message in a min.

eileeninmd said...

Oh wow, what picture! I am seeing your Camellia's in bloom. Beautiful poem! Have a great weekend!

Cuby said...

eileeninmd:It really looks lovely glad you can picture it. :)

CherryPie said...

There are so many blooms out now that shouldn't be.

Cuby said...

Cherry Pie; Cornwall is always early with the spring flowers but this really is too soon as everything will be spoilt by the frost and it seems unlikely that we will get away without any frost at all.Pleased you liked it.

Isabel Doyle said...

Thanks for visitng 'Living in Exile' Mdm Cuby. Lucky you to enjoy camellias - we had a magnificent tree/shrub at home in Sydney.

I never record where I live by name because I hope, probably erroneously, that by so doing I will not attract attention from the censors and (constant) surveillance. If you look at your Audience stats on blogger, it should tell you where I am - there won't be many.

I also write poetry which, if it interests you, you can find on my other blog, Written in Exile'.
Best wishes, Isabel

Cuby said...

Isabel Doyle:Welcome here. I envy you your Australia summer as here it is quite cold today!I am off to look at your poetry today or tomorrow.

Lisa @ Two Bears Farm said...

What a nice treat to see in January!

Cuby said...

Lisa@Two Bears Farm: It was and still is. :)

Maria said...

I live in the midwest. My tulips are coming up. Good lord...

Cuby said...

Maria:I noticed strawberry flowers out two days ago, I'm confused no wonder the wildlife is.