blue evening sky
slowly dying
holds its breath, waits
colours gently change.
airy colour
natures hues
the rainbow
brilliant to subdued.
bracken brown no more
purple by the sun
like wallflowers' demise
comforting embrace.
greens are grey
meadow by the lake
imperceptibly slowly
mist is falling
minute silver droplets.
yellow sky
last glimpse loganberry red
as light diminishes.
I like "wallflower's demise."
Maria:Thank you, describing colour is always a challenge.
Hi There, I always enjoy reading your poems. When dusk comes and light fades, we know that it will soon be dark... I love sunset-time ---with all of the pretty colors of the sky... SO gorgeous!!!!
Thanks for sharing...
I love the line "dying bracken brown no more" - it has a great crunchy sound to it :-)
Betsy from Tennessee: So pleased you like reading my poems. Thanks.
Lisa@Two Bears Farm: The sight of the colour of dying brackens is so hard to describe with words so glad this worked with another sense! Thanks.
beautiful paintbox
Isabel Doyle: Thank you so much.
Absolutely beautiful. So much to love in this ... all the way to "last glimpse loganberry red..."
Nice one, Poet. All we have here is grey and white just now. But tomorrow I get to see Glencoe in all its winter plumage!
Mitch Block: Thanks so much for this it is so nice that my readers appreciate my words. :)
Doris:Beautiful sky one day, grey the next, be patient there.
Hi Cuby, what a wonderful description of the sky and its color. A rainbow is always a treat to see. A lovely poem, have a great day.
A great sunset poem, you've captured it wonderfully.
Yesterday I also spent some time watching the day and colours fade. I also noted the change in colour of the bracken but I didn't write the poem...so glad you did!!! Absolutely love " light airy colour...subdued" a very successful line in a very successful, peaceful, atmospheric poem. Well done!
eileeninmd: Thanks for the comments. The rainbow was the way I thought embraced all colours so there was no real rainbow !!
Al: Thanks for the compliment really appreciate it.
Yvonne: Thanks for your thoughts I am so pleased you liked it as you know I value very much what you think!!
I revisited Seamus Heaney's anthology The Spirit Level after reading this.I like his nature poems.
This is lovely. Describes our sunsets on the farm to a "T".
Hi there,
Just thought I would reciprocate with a visit to your blog after your kind words on mine. I love poetry, just wish I was able to write some myself! I particularly enjoy the War Poets (if enjoy is the right word!) and Tennyson.
Nancy@A Rural Journal: Sunsets are difficult to describe so I am glad that this one seemed to work for
Yvonne: I will take a look at The Spirit Level soon.
John: Welcome here. I hope that you find some of my poetry to your taste.I am sorry but I don't write war poetry!! but I do enjoy Sassoon, Owen etc.
Lovely Poem,fantastic Flag.
JRandSue: Welcome here. Glad you liked my poem. I see you are also based in Kernow - great!
Lovely, Cuby. x
So perceptive Claire.
The first and last verses say it all for me.
Wlshcakes: Thank you.
Roy:It is so hard to get the colour description right so I am so pleased that you appreciated my words. Thank you.
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