Wednesday, 14 March 2012

Fog is left outside.

Walking home
late last night
Fore Street in the fog
front doors softened
dense mist embraces.

Enter my lane
gloaming now
light blurred by diffusion
evening softened
in the chill

Fat cat tiptoes by
dampness fills my space
moisture drips upon me
shut the door behind
fog is left outside.


Out on the prairie said...

very nice, the softness of the fog was easy to imagine

KaHolly said...

It must be that time of year!! At home, I love the fog from the ocean. My driveway circles around the back of my house and when we are banked in fog, it gives the illusion of being in the bottom of a bowl.

Cuby said...

Out on the prairie: Thank you.

Cuby said...

KaHolly: It is the third day of this fog,the valley is dense with the visibility really poor. Your fog sounds prettier than mine!

The Owl Wood said...

Very nicely evokes a soft soggy damp cold fog rather than a nervous or worrying one (to me, anyway)!

I love fog... so long as I don't have to drive.

Keep 'em coming please!

Lisa @ Two Bears Farm said...

Kind of made me shiver a bit ;-)

Cuby said...

The Owl Wood: It continues to be cold and foggy while there is sun somewhere else! I am not keen on day after day fog which is what we have here just now.

Cuby said...

Lisa @ Two Bears Farm: It was and still is a cold wet fog!

CherryPie said...

Fog is always best viewed from inside.

Cuby said...

CherryPie: Most definitely..

Ina in Alaska said...

Snow is left outside here.


We got another 3" today.

I am very very tired of snow.

The end.

Ola said...

fog, a misterious lane and a cat- speaks to my imagination

Life and travelling

Cuby said...

Ina in Alaska: I think winter weather should generally be left outside. How much snow do you get in one winter?

Cuby said...

Ola: So glad your imagination was thinking of this. We have fog again today.

Betsy Banks Adams said...

Beautiful, Cuby... As you know if you have looked at many of my photos, we love fog --and taking fog pictures...

We are having summer-like weather here this week... Lots of our spring flowers are blooming..


Cuby said...

Betsy from Tennessee: This fog is going on day after day, now 5 days of the cold damp stuff! Unimpressed!

Moving with Mitchell said...

You have such a gift. Your writing transports me. I have never enjoyed poetry as much I enjoy yours!

Cuby said...

Mitch Block: This is praise indeed, thank you so much.

Welshcakes Limoncello said...

Another lovely poem with vivid descriptions so that I can picture the scene.

Al said...

I love fog, and your poem brings it home nicely.

Cuby said...

Al: I am not enjoying this fog as it is cold and very wetting! I like for which swirls!

Cuby said...

Welshcakes: Thank you for these comments and I hope you enjoyed your picture.

Doris said...

The best bit is when you get home and the fog is left behind. It feels so safe and cosy.

Cuby said...

Doris: Not just safe but warm as well.

momto8 said...

I like your poem.

Cuby said...

momto8: Thank you for visiting, glad you liked this poem.

Yvonne said...

I think you have successfully captured the fog here!. Quite atmospheric.

Cuby said...

Yvonne: Thank you for this, I value your words.