Wednesday, 4 April 2012

Field on the edge of Bodmin Moor

Spring is all around
on Bodmin Moor
new life abounds
with this green floor

new grass is strong
green blades will just arise
cropped surface never long
fresh growth before my eye

field unblemished green
lawn tennis court of old
perfection rarely seen
no undulations to behold

ewes, lambs quietly graze
bleating music fills the air
on this glorious of days
these creatures without care

fleece caught by the wire
out of sight and over brow
melodious hidden choir
Spring perfection now


Elaine said...

Wonderful, I particularly love "bleating music fills the air"... describes it perfectly.

Cuby said...

Elaine: Great comment, thanks. Really pleased that you liked it.

Ola said...

reading this poem I have a stron feeling of light-heartednes and hapiness

Life and travelling

Out on the prairie said...

Very nice thoughts, i like the fleece on the fence.Perhaps the grass looked better on the other side.

I am a robot

Cuby said...

Ola: I was really happy perhaps it came through in my words.

Cuby said...

Out on the prairie: Thanks for all these comments, so pleased you liked this one.

Lisa @ Two Bears Farm said...

Fleece caught by the wire - what perfect inspiration for poetry!

Cuby said...

Lisa @ Two Bears Farm: The fleece and the bleating all combined to get my mind working on this poem. Inspiration it most definitely was.

Viola said...

What a very lovely spring poem!:)
I wish I cuold make poems like you..

In fact I was looking for a poem to my post tonight, but no - my thoughts and head both refused me.. I couldn't make up any.. and nor find any in the poem books I'm having..

Happy Easter to you! :)

Evlyn said...

What gentle thoughts. The fleece on the fence is a revelation for me since I don't know much about sheep. Wonderful image.

Cuby said...

Evlyn: The fleece gave me the inspiration for this poem. Really pleased you enjoyed this one.

Cuby said...

Viola: Great that you enjoy my poetry.

Doris said...

Very musical and very 'spring'like. We had snow here two days ago!

eileeninmd said...

Lovely poem, Cuby! I can see the cute lambs on the field. The fleece might come in handy for some bird to grab it for its nest. Have a great weekend and Happy Easter!

Cuby said...

Doris: It was a wonderful moment or two.

Cuby said...

eileeninmd: Thanks for reading and commenting here.

Linda said...

A beautifully composed shot - and poem.

Cuby said...

Linda; Thanks for your comments.

CherryPie said...

It sounds a perfect place to go walking.

Cuby said...

CherryPie: It certainly is/was!

Moving with Mitchell said...

You've captured it. Thanks for helping me develop a love for poetry!

Cuby said...

Crafty Green Poet: Thanks.

Cuby said...

Mitchell is Moving: So pleased you were able to be there too! What a responsibility enabling you to realise the joy of poetry! I will just keep writing.

ShySongbird said...

Thank you so much for visiting my blog recently :-)

What a lovely part of the world you live in and it sounds like the view from your desk is wonderful too. I'm sure it all gives you much inspiration for your lovely poems. The photo and poem on this post are beautifully matched.

Cuby said...

ShySongbird: Welcome here. I am so pleased you like this poem and photo.

Roy said...

Lovely and very relevant Claire.

Cuby said...

Roy: Thanks for reading this one and leaving comments.