Monday, 19 November 2012

winter wood

this winter wood
melange of grey
then aggressive spikes
holly bush green

stretch out
in winter wood
trees stand amongst
dead leaves
at end of year

stand together
ghostly quiet
electric flash of blue
Jay alights on
horizontal arm

activity sparse
dull wings fly
neon flash of blue
winter wood
sleeps on


Viola said...

Beautiful poem! and so many words I never heard of before.. (I'm not hundred procent good in English.. but I hope I can do myself understandable)

Yes Autum is here, naked branches streching out. leaves on the ground.
and we are waiting for colder days now.. but yesterday it felt like Spring.. :)

John Going Gently said...

captures the onset of winter perfectly!x

Cuby said...

Viola: Thank you for these nice comments and to say your English seems good and hope these new words add to your English vocabulary.

The Owl Wood said...

It's a odd mix this time of year. Dull, grey, cold and wet and yet the colours that there are assume an intensity not seen in springtime or summer. I love the way the trees are all either sneezing (and scattering leaves) or trying to dance in the wind.

EG CameraGirl said...

Ah, I feel I am standing alone in the woods with a jay.

Cuby said...

The Owl Wood: The air was still so no movement except the Jay which was so special.

Cuby said...

E G CameraGirl: So pleased you could share this.

Cuby said...

John Gray: Your words are really appreciated. Thanks.

Welshcakes Limoncello said...

Lovely evocation of winter, Cuby.

Jim said...

Getting ready for hibernation maybe.
Beautifully said. Thanks for sharing.

Crafty Green Poet said...

I like the way the colours leap out of this poem,

Cuby said...

Welshcakes; What a lovely comment, thank you.

Cuby said...

Jim; This bright flash certainly got my attention.

Cuby said...

Crafty Green Poet: So pleased they leapt out at you as they did for me in the wood.

Lisa @ Two Bears Farm said...

Beautiful descriptions!

CherryPie said...

A lovely description of a winter wood.

Cuby said...

Lisa@ Two Bears Farm: Thank you.

Cuby said...

CherryPie: In a dull light a winter wood can look so harsh. Thank you.

Vintage Jane said...

Beautiful evocative poem.

Cuby said...

Vintage Jane: Thank you for this nice comment.

Jenny Woolf said...

Love the idea of a neon flash in the sleeping forest... quite fairy tale like.

Cuby said...

Jenny Woolf: The shy jay made the whole wood lighter even for the few moments it was there.

Cuby said...
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