Monday, 10 December 2012

haiku poem 1
twelve days after deluge

sky blue sun perfect
floods gone great rain threat died too
big puddles remain

royal then navy
above few minute  clouds float
peach fades disappears

light lost black conquers
moon illuminates cloud wisps
stars accompany

*thanks to Chris (Benjibopper) see my favourite blogs, for the idea of  this format of verses in , haikus from a poet in Nova Scoteia.*


KaHolly said...

Beautiful! Glad you are having respite from the rains!!

Vintage Jane said...

A beautiful depiction of your recovering landscape. We still have some very large 'puddles' here.

Cuby said...

KaHolly: Thanks and these dry ays have been much appreciated.

Cuby said...

Vintage Jane: So pleased you enjoyed this poem. Thanks.

Elephant's Child said...

I loved this, and would really, really like some rain over here as well. Strange really, rain is something that we always seem to have too much or too little of. Here we are firmly on the too little side of the equation. Rain promised, but only incontinent pigeon falls received. Sigh.

Yvonne said...

I enjoyed this, too. Economical and effective choice of words. Good use of rhyme/rhythm and alliteration. Well done.

Cuby said...

Elephants Child: Pleased that you liked this. Rain, too much, too little, why can it never be just right? oh yes the climate is the answer!

Cuby said...

Yvonne: I listen and take on advice.I am so glad that you enjoyed this for all the reasons you stated.

John Going Gently said...

very appropriate given the floods over here!

EG CameraGirl said...

How wonderful it feels when the sun finally shines. :)

CherryPie said...

The time after rain is always beautiful.

Cuby said...

John Gray: I feel this can be applied to so many parts of the UK.

Cuby said...

E G CameraGirl: I do agree.

Cuby said...

CherryPie: After all the rain it certainly has felt extra good!

Lisa @ Two Bears Farm said...

I love how the colors come alive in this.

Cuby said...

Lisa@ Two Bears Farm: Thanks.

ShySongbird said...

A lovely, descriptive piece again! After a period of frosty but beautiful sunny weather we are back to very heavy rain again here today. I wouldn't be surprised to hear there has been more flooding, thankfully we live on the top of the hill so don't suffer such problems :-)

Cuby said...

ShySongbird: Thanks for lovely comment. We too live on the top of a hill so look down on the rural valley which always changes great for ideas.

Welshcakes Limoncello said...

Very nice poem and very nice format, Cuby.

Cuby said...

Welshcakes: Thank you so much for your kind words.

Crafty Green Poet said...

lovely descriptions

Cuby said...

Crafty Green Poet: Thank you.

Betsy Banks Adams said...

Sounds like you all have had way too much rain... We have been in need of rain here --but this weekend, we had quite a bit... Good for us though since we needed rain.. Crazy how some areas get too much and some get too little... Oh Well--Mother Nature does her own thing.

Merry Christmas.

Chris Benjamin said...

This form worked really well for you!

The poet I mentioned is Brian Bartlett:

Couple of my experiments with haiku layered are at:

Cuby said...

Chris: Thank you, I loved playing with the words and reforming each haiku over and over until this final poem.

Cuby said...

Betsy: It seems that where ever you are the weather is always wrong but then 'that's life'.

Jenny Woolf said...

Thank you for visiting my blog and now I have been reading and enjoying yours too. This is a nice subject for a poem, one big thing has happened and now we are waiting for normal life to be resumed and the next thing to come along. I agree with Yvonne that I liked the use of alliteration.

Al said...

I read about flooding in parts of the UK. Nice poem about it!

Cuby said...

Jenny Woolf: Welcome here. Pleased to see you enjoyed reading some of my poetry, that you liked this poem. We see rain on the forecast so can only wonder when normality will arrive.

Cuby said...

Al: Sad to see the homes and livelihoods that have been ruined by floods. My poem summed up what I could see in my rural view thanks for your comment.

Unknown said...

I hope you-all have a very MERRY CHRISTMAS!

Cuby said...

Jerry: We certainly did thank you.