Thursday, 1 March 2012


Cornwall woke up
feeling beautiful.
Daffodils awaken
bright yellow faces.
People smile all day
because they want to.
I  am elated
first evidence of Spring.


Lady Mondegreen's Secret Garden said...

Neat evocation. And guess what: just as you feel Spring awakening Autumn roars in like a lion here! Wind, rain, chill temperatures on 1st March but sunshine this morning.

Elaine said...

That poem put a smile on my face. I particularly like 'Cornwall woke up feeling beautiful'.

Actually no, I really like all of it.

Moving with Mitchell said...

Joyful! And it's good to smile all day because one wants to and not just because one should; I love those days.

Cuby said...

Lady M.This is how this blog friendship will always be at opposite sides of our beautiful planet! :)

Cuby said...

Elaine:It is so nice to know you enjoyed this one and which line in particular.

Cuby said...

Mitch Block: Smiling just because you want does feel so very good I agree.

Out on the prairie said...

It is trying to find that season, but still cold.

Cuby said...

Out on the prairie: It was still nippy but it was so cheering to have such a beautiful day.

Lisa @ Two Bears Farm said...

I just noticed my daffodils are up - no blooms yet, but they are up.

Cuby said...

Lisa @ Two Bears Farm: There are fields of Daffs here as well as all over the verges and gardens. Cheery at all times.

Doris said...

Once again you have captured the essence of outdoors. My daffodils are just poking through the ground - a long way to go before they flower.

Cuby said...

Doris:We are all daffed out here in the Tropical South West!

Cuby said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
eileeninmd said...

Happy Spring! Lovely poem Cuby! It put a smile on my face too.

Al said...

A nice taste of spring, which is far away here!

eileeninmd said...

Cuby, I am so happy Spring is almost here. MY daffies are not showing yet. But your poem has made me smile and think of them. Have a great weekend!

Cuby said...

eileeninmd: It is the same sort of day today so I will be smiling all day. Look forward to your daffs they are such a happy flower.

Cuby said...

Al: It may not be with you yet but when it comes it will have been worth waiting for!

CherryPie said...

A very sunny poem, I love the first signs of spring.

Welshcakes Limoncello said...

Oh, I miss seeing lots of daffodils! Happy coming-of-spring, Cuby.

Cuby said...

CherryPie: I loved the whole day!

Cuby said...

Welshcakes: St.David's Day and daffodils to remind you of home! Spring is definitely on the way. Sicily must have lovely warm days most days which is most definitely a benefit over the UK. Enjoy it!

Crafty Green Poet said...

lovely to see spring at last!

Cuby said...

Crafty Green Poet: It was short lived as today it is much colder with wind, grey cloudy and showers.
It was a promise of what is to come hopefully.